Togo Eye Surgical Mission March 2025

I just returned from an eye surgical mission trip to Togo, Africa, where we operated on both young individuals with strabismus (crossed eyes) and elderly patients with cataracts. This journey was not just about restoring vision—it was about restoring dignity, confidence, and hope.

One of the most striking realizations I had during this trip was the profound, long-term impact that eye surgery can have on children. Strabismus is not just a cosmetic issue—it can shape the entire trajectory of a child’s life. Children with this condition often struggle with social acceptance, educational opportunities, and future career prospects, all because of the way their eyes appear.

The Social and Emotional Toll
In many communities, children with strabismus are not just teased—they are outright rejected. I met an 8-year-old girl named Amina whose mother told me that she rarely played with other children. She was bright and full of potential, but her crossed eyes made her a target for ridicule. Classmates would call her cruel names, and even some adults believed that her condition was a bad omen. The pain of this isolation was evident in the way she looked down when spoken to, as if she wanted to disappear.

Children like Amina often withdraw from social situations, avoiding eye contact and interaction. This lack of socialization can affect their development, leading to poor communication skills and low self-esteem that follows them into adulthood. But when we correct their eye alignment, we don’t just change their vision—we change how the world sees them and, more importantly, how they see themselves.

Education and Career Opportunities
Strabismus doesn’t just impact social interactions—it can also hinder a child’s ability to learn. In school, children with misaligned eyes often have difficulty focusing on books, reading from the blackboard, or maintaining attention during lessons. Some struggle with depth perception, which makes everyday tasks harder. This can lead to frustration, lower academic performance, and eventually, the loss of interest in school altogether.

By correcting their vision, we give them a fair chance to succeed academically. A child who once sat in the back of the classroom, afraid of being called on, can now participate with confidence. A boy who was once teased for his wandering eye can now make friends without fear of judgment. These small but significant changes add up over time, altering the entire course of their education and, ultimately, their career.

In many cultures, appearance plays a significant role in professional opportunities. Jobs that require face-to-face interactions—such as teaching, business, and customer service—often favor individuals who appear “normal” by societal standards. I have met adults with untreated strabismus who struggled to find work because employers wrongly assumed they were less capable or intelligent. By intervening early, we help prevent these barriers from ever forming.

The Impact on Future Relationships
Beyond school and career, there is also a deep personal impact. In many societies, physical appearance is tied to marriage prospects, and unfortunately, those with visible eye conditions often find it harder to find a partner. I have spoken with young adults who were turned down for marriage simply because of their eyes. The stigma surrounding strabismus is real, and it can prevent people from forming meaningful relationships and starting families of their own.

But when we operate on a child, we eliminate this struggle before it begins. We give them the opportunity to grow up with confidence, to enter adulthood without the burden of social rejection, and to form relationships based on who they are, rather than how they look.

A Life Transformed
I will never forget the moment I removed the bandages from a 10-year-old boy’s eyes after his strabismus surgery. He blinked, looked up at his mother, and then turned to us with a smile—a real, unguarded smile. It was as if he knew, even at that young age, that his life had changed. No longer would he be the subject of cruel jokes. No longer would he feel the need to lower his gaze in shame. His future had been rewritten in a single surgery.

In contrast, operating on elderly patients with cataracts, while undeniably valuable, offers a different kind of benefit. Restoring sight to a 70-year-old allows them to regain independence, to once again see their children and grandchildren, to read, and to move through life without reliance on others. These are powerful moments, filled with gratitude and joy. But their impact, though meaningful, is not as far-reaching as the transformation we see in a child.

A Profound Impact on My Own Life
This mission trip changed me in ways I never expected. It made me realize that while every act of healing matters, some interventions have the power to shape an entire lifetime. It reinforced my belief that medicine is not just about treating diseases—it’s about changing lives. Seeing the immediate and lifelong impact of these surgeries filled me with a deep sense of purpose.

But I also came to understand a greater challenge: there are not enough trained surgeons in Africa who can perform these life-changing procedures. Many children with strabismus and adults with cataracts are left untreated, not because they don’t seek care, but because there are simply no specialists available to help them.

That is why my mission does not end here. I want to do more than just perform surgeries—I want to teach. I want to share this knowledge with African doctors who have the skill and dedication but lack the training in these specialized techniques. By equipping local surgeons with the ability to perform strabismus and cataract surgeries, we can create a lasting impact far greater than any single mission trip. Instead of helping dozens, we can help thousands. Instead of changing lives for a week, we can change lives for generations.

This experience has given me a renewed sense of purpose. It is not enough to heal—I must also empower others to heal. And that is the goal I will carry forward, ensuring that children like Amina and the countless others we met in Togo will always have someone who can restore their sight, their confidence, and their future.

Help us restore sight and change lives! Your tax-deductible donation can provide life-changing eye surgeries to those in need across Africa. Every dollar brings hope and a brighter future. Join us in making a difference today! Donate now and give the gift of sight.

Mission to Angola, Jan 30 to Feb. 8, 2024

On our way to Quessua from Luanda. It’s an 8 hours drive on a 2 lanes highway that sometimes turns into a one lane dirt road. We stop on the way for lunch. The team is in great spirit.
God bless us and hoping to get to the hospital before sunset.

Feeding the children of Quessua Angola.
When the doctor serves food to the children in Angola!
We fed 500 children to a nice big lunch after church. This is the best meal of the week for most of these children.
It humbles me that such a small gesture can bring so much joy to God’s little children. Today I have found another way to serve humanity.

Church day in Angola! We receive the warmest welcome from the local church in Quessua.
There are close to 500 children in attendance ready to cheer us on. The whole village came out to celebrate and pray with us.
Prayers for a successful week ahead bringing light back to the blinds in Angola.
Bless the people in the village Quessua Angola !

Mission eye surgery to Angola.
We are interviewed for a special program on Angola national TV!
Love my American flag surgical cap!
Angola really appreciate my work in doing free eye surgery!
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Mission Eye Surgery in Angola
Just another day in the life of a humanitarian eye doctor in Angola. The power goes out suddenly in the middle of an eye surgery. We have to wait and hope that the hospital has enough fuel for the generator to kick in quickly so we can finish the operation. An iPhone quickly came to the rescue to keep us calm in the dark operating room.
Working in Africa where resources are so scarce teaches me to truly appreciate what I have in the USA.
Lucky for us today the generator did not take too long and we are able to finish the surgery successfully without any complication.
God bless this lucky patient!
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When the doctor makes house call in Africa!
After the surgery day was finished in the operating room we decided to take a drive into the villages to visit some of the patients that we had operated on the past few days to see how they are doing.
We have to go with a 4×4 jeep through muddy jungle roads to get to the mud houses.
This farmer is very happy he can see again. He looks forward to going back in the fields and work the fields again!
What a great joy to see and have his life back !
God bless him and his family!
To support our work in Africa, please go to

Mission to Mango, Togo Nov. 3rd to Nov. 13th, 2023

After a very long 30-hour flight to get to Lome, Togo, Africa, we were greeted by the local team at the Lome International Airport. The team van was loaded with a portable microscope and many boxes of supplies that we would use for the surgeries. Then, the 12-hour trip begins on the main freeway going north-south toward the northern border of Togo and Burkina Faso.

Arriving into Mango

The weather was a balmy 99 degrees. The road was bumpy, and we often played chicken head-to-head with trucks and other cars going the other way. The drive is certainly not for the faint at heart. There were lots of checkpoints along the way. We arrived at the Hope Hospital in Mango in the dark, and the team members started to unload the team van while we checked in and got some much-needed rest at the Matousch Hotel in Mango. Chickens and goats were roaming in the hotel courtyard, keeping us company at all times during our stay. We were the only lucky members who got to stay in the hotel as the temperature was too hot for us to get a good night’s sleep in the tent outside. The rest of the team all stayed in tents that they put up in the hospital courtyard.

Accommodations for the surgical team!

We performed 45 eye surgeries on the first day. The surgical support team was outstanding. We did more screening while the team was there as the word started to get out into the community that we were there to do surgeries. Every morning, more people would arrive in the hospital courtyard.

Dr. Kondrot and Ly his wife performing surgery

The next day, we continued at about the same speed, and by the end of the week, we could give sight to 160 people. Looking at the big smiles on the patients on the next day after surgery when they can see again made our long and tedious trip worth all the effort.

Happy patients post-op cataract surgery

We were interviewed on the local Hope Radio statio

Interview on Hope Radio

This trip brought us so much joy watching many people going from light perception (they can not see our fingers in front of their faces but can see the blinking light of a flashlight) to being able to read the last line the next day! It was so rewarding for us!

Successful surgeries!

We left Mango, Togo feeling very sad as we saw a couple of cases of crossed-eyed children, but we did not bring the equipment to perform muscle surgeries. We will come back soon to take care of those cases in 2024.

The people of Mango were so welcoming, sweet, and loving. They are poor and don’t have a lot. The village has a well for water for everybody, and we often see children carrying wood on their heads while walking home after school for the family to cook their meals. 

We can feel their hardship. We can feel the dust in the air, the oppressive heat, the sweat on their skin, the malnutrition, the poverty, and the diseases they have to endure, yet they are also humans like us. They taught us as doctors how to function in a low-resource environment and how to give care with just the minimum amount of supplies. 

We gave sight back to a young girl who was becoming blind in her left eye at eight years old, and now she can see again out of that eye. She was so happy. Her parents are so happy and so grateful for our help. They thank us profusely. We hear countless stories from these patients, telling us how we don’t know them and they don’t know us, but here we are, and we are giving them back their sight and their lives. They can now return to the fields and farm to feed their families. Or they can now be independent and not depend on somebody else to care for them.

They dance joyously during post op days. Singing songs of joys and clapping their hands. They are thanking us for our help but in our heart we are thanking them of the opportunity to serve them. They make our lives so much more meaningful. 

During this season of giving, we greatly appreciate your support with a donation to our non-profit organization.

Blessings and thanks for your support!

Ed and Ly Kondrot

Liberia Medical Mission

The Liberia Medical Mission (LMM)is planning a cataract campaign to Monrovia, Liberia Feb 25- Mar 12, 2021

It is a rather ambitious mission with 500 cataracts scheduled. There are 3 Operating microscopes with the necessary team to support three surgeons.

The Liberia Medical Mission is a wonderful group located in Philadelphia, PA. I served on a mission to Liberia with them several years ago, and everything was extremely well run. We are recruiting Experienced MSICS surgeons, surgical techs, and OR nurses who can help on this mission.

You will be responsible for your airfare to Liberia, and the LMM will supply hotel accommodations, transportation, and all meals.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested in this mission.
Dr. Kondrot
[email protected]

Started our Surgical Campaign!

Began our eye surgical campaign today in Senegal. Helping 3 local Senegal eye surgeons. Over 100 cases are scheduled that have been delayed because of COVID. Special thanks to the great crew of the Mercy Ship.

Patients checking in for surgery
OR getting ready
Teaching Dr. Marie
Happy to be part of the Mercy Team

Arrived in Senegal!

Arrived at 11:00 PM after 2 days of travel. Pittsburgh to Miami, then to Madrid then finally to Senegal, Africa. We now need to be in strict quarantine for 48 hours before we can begin surgery.

Arriving in Senegal!